So far this weekend has been fabulous! While on the phone with my mom Friday, she said she was needing a "Faith Fix". She spontaneously decided to come pick Faith up to spend the day with her. Faith could not have been more excited to hang out with Grandma and Grandpa. After I told her that my mom was on the way to get her Faith announced, "I miss Grandma, she needs to hurry up". Well, off they went. It was actually funny how quite the house felt to me because I am never home by myself. Come to think of it, nowadays I'm never
anywhere by myself! haha When Will got home from work we ended up with the
extremely rare opportunity for a date night.
We started off by going to dinner at Red Lobster with Will's father, Bill. He was treating us on behalf of my upcoming birthday, which was so nice. I suppose this part of the evening may not have counted as a date night because it was not just the two of us. However, for me it was actually a treat. I feel like I never get to socialize when we dine out because I'm "kid wrangling" much of the time. This night I got to participate in adult conversation. I felt like I had graduated to the big table! We had a very nice dinner and left completely stuffed .
Will and I both have wanted to see the new movie
Ghost Town. Friday was the opening night, so we lucked out. I cannot express how great this movie was. Granted, my movie going excursions usually come around about twice a year, but this one is a new favorite. Seriously, my sides still hurt. Ricky Gervais (from the English version of "The Office) is the lead and he is fantastic. What was also really great about this movie was its simple and beautifully done underlying message. I don't want to give anything away because you all need to see it so, it basically boils down to this- Each of the dozens of people you pass throughout your day have their own story. You may not know what it is, but it's significant and relevant to them, it matters. My synopsis may not be as eloquent as a few of the lines in the movie, but this really strikes a cord with me. Its not very profound really, but how often do we consider this as we interact with those we meet? A few times over the years I have found myself pondering just what was going on in the lives of the strangers I crossed paths with. Usually this occurs when I'm dealing with something big in my life or perhaps a loved one is. Maybe I realized I had just helped my 100th customer that day at the bank. I would end up just fascinated by the thought that the rude customer might be going through a tragedy, or the supper sweet older woman is stronger than I can ever imagine. More than a few times, I would be assisting a client who needed to reorganize his/her accounts and find out ten minutes in that they had recently lost there spouse of fifty or so years and the spouse had always run the finances. I think sometimes I had more trouble keeping my composure than the client in this situation. I can't even imagine how you go about taking the next step in your life and essentially starting over. All of this to say that this movie was a great reminder of a simple truth that is to look past. God made us all so unique and yet really interconnected in the grand scheme of things. I can't help but wonder how often he shakes his head as we glance right over encounters with others in the busy haze of the day.
On a much less serious note... :) Faith ended up spending the night at my parents, which was her very first sleepover! She had a blast and was thoroughly spoiled. There were puzzles, games, and even french toast for breakfast. God bless Grandparents! Will and I had a wonderful night. We stayed up ridiculously late and it was so nice to just spend some time together. This morning when I called over there, a bubbly Faith told me she loved me and missed me and then announced she wasn't ready to leave yet. (The girl knows what she wants!) Will and I took the opportunity to have brunch together before we went to my parents. Then we all just visited and relaxed for a couple hours. When we got home, I cooked (chicken parmigan) and the three of us got to enjoy dinner together, both of which don't happen all that often (sheepish grin). We also stopped for Starbucks on the way home, which as far as I'm concerned, is the perfect end to any day! For those of you who want to scold me for the Starbucks because you know I have quite the costly addiction, I say it still counts as the date night which is a reasonable exception so back off! hehe P.S. I love you
Hope all of you have a wonderful weekend as well.